Best Kitten Foods 2023

Ultimate Kitten Food Buyer’s Guide- Best Kitten Foods 2023

Before buying a commercial kitten food, we recommend you first view our guide which identifies what to look for in a quality kitten food and what to avoid. We point out what makes the best kitten foods 2023.

At the bottom of this page we have comprehensive kitten food product reviews and articles answering the many questions our viewers have about kitten diets.

What We Recommend When Buying Kitten Food.

What not to feed a kittenThe foundation of your kitten’s diet should be a quality, balanced, premium commercial kitten food; however, as the kitten gets older, you can give raw or cooked meats to add variety. Avoid raw meat until your kitten is at least 20 weeks old, as their immune system is not strong enough to cope with possible pathogens.

We recommended that you buy a kitten food that has been tested for growth and development.

Cat food companies tend to promote shape, taste, and color rather than nutrition, so be careful not to be influenced by their marketing.

What to Look For In a High-Quality Kitten Food?

Labelled Specifically for Kittens.

Adult cats have different nutrition requirements to kittens and therefore adult cat food will not suffice for kittens (visa-versa). Cat foods specifically labelled for kittens will have correct kitten nutrition formulations.

Kitten Foods Must Contain Real Meat.

Cats are carnivores, with a carnivore digestive system. They require real meat such as chicken, beef or lamb as the first ingredient on the ingredients list. Kittens require high protein from meat. See the note below about fish.

Balanced Diet

Kittens require a balance of meat proteins, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Check the ingredients list to see that all these have been considered.

The recommended protein range for healthy kitten growth is 35-50% on a dry matter basis. At least 9% should be dry matter from an animal source. These protein levels support ideal growth, so it is not advised to exceed them.

Avoid Wholegrain Cereals

Be aware of kitten recipes where wholegrain cereals, as the first ingredient, is listed. These contain less protein. Also, a kitten’s digestive system is not geared to digest cereals. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they need to eat meat to survive and have no biological need for carbohydrates like grains. The best kitten foods 2021 will have very little in the way of grain fillers.

Look for AAFCO certification.

We recommended that, where possible, kitten food with the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) certification is bought. Generally, this information is displayed on the food label. AAFCO is an organization that supervises the whole pet food industry.

Avoid These Ingredients in Kitten Food

  • Avoid artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. These may make the food look good and even taste good, but they will not be healthy for your kitten.
  • GMO ingredients are also something we feel should be avoided. One reason is that they tend to carry a higher chemical load, causing issues with digestion.
  • Do not feed cow’s milk to kittens and check the kitten food ingredients list for milk. Cows (or goats) does not have the correct nutrition for them. Kitten products containing milk may cause diarrhea. If needing to feed very young kittens milk, only feed an approved kitten milk formula.

Fish is Off the Menu for Now!

Many cats adore fish; however, it is not an acceptable food for daily feeding, especially with kittens. Fish contains high levels of fatty acids, which can lead to a vitamin E deficiency in cats causing problems in their growth and organ functions.

With kittens, it is better to look for poultry, beef or lamb meats. Just make sure it is real meat and not meat by-products.

Should You Feed Kittens Dry Kibble or Wet Canned Kitten Food?

Both will have been formulated specifically for kitten nutrition, so either will be fine for your kitten. It is common for kitten owners to provide a combination of kibble and canned food so their pet can enjoy the best of both foods.

What To Do Now- Best Kitten Foods 2023

We invite you to use our website as a resource for information on Cat Food. We research kitten foods, answer our viewers’ questions, provide comprehensive buyer’s guides and product reviews. Why not check out the product reviews below.


Articles and Product Reviews of Kitten Foods

What Do 4-Week-Old Kittens Eat?

what do 4 week old kittens eatNot only will we address our viewer’s question, ‘What do 4 week old kittens eat?’, but we review a selection of kitten food products that can be purchased in preparation for your kitten’s arrival to its new home.

Taking care of a small 4 week old kitten can be an overwhelming job. It’s around the age where a kitten should just be beginning the weaning process from milk to solids. It is the most important time to be presenting foods that boost growth and development. Read ‘What Do 4 Week Old Kittens Eat?’ article and kitten food reviews HERE.


Kitten Vomiting and Diarrhea

why is my kitten sickWe all love healthy and active cats. However, coming home to see your furry friend looking quiet and lethargic may signify a vomiting and diarrhea problem. So how do you solve your kitten vomiting and diarrhea problems? Read Kitten Vomiting & Diarrhea article HERE.



Best Kitten Foods of 2023

Best Kitten Foods 2021We have investigated a range of commercial kitten food products. By reading the ingredients lists and quantities; considering the quality of recipes; noting company responses to pet owners’ questions; researching veterinarian advice; and most importantly, viewing what customers say about the products (both the good and the bad!) we have been able to provide unbiased summarized reviews on kitten food for our readers. Read the ‘Best Kitten Foods of 2023’ product review article HERE


Important Matters to Know When Introducing Wet Cat Food to Kittens

Introducing Wet Cat Food to Kittens

Newborn kittens are born toothless, as this is when they get their nutrition from their mother’s milk. Their first baby teeth push through when they are about 2-4 weeks of age. These deciduous milk teeth fall out when they are 3-4 months old, and the kitten’s permanent adult teeth replace them.

The stage kittens are at with their teeth determines what type of food they are ready to eat. A kitten up to 5 weeks old ought to be nursing (or being bottle fed) with a kitten formula. Read ‘Important Matters to Know When Introducing Wet Food to Kittens’ article HERE.


Can Cats Drink Cow’s Milk?

Can Cats Drink Cow MilkImages of cats lapping a bowl of milk have created the impression that cow’s milk is a perfect delight for every feline. So, can cats drink cow’s milk?

While most cats crave a bit of milk, the supposed love between cats and cow’s milk is exaggerated.

In the ‘Can Cats Drink Cow’s Milk’ article we dispel the myths and educate on what milk is ok for your kitten or cat.


Is Dry Cat Food OK for Cats?

Is Dry Food Bad For CatsSatisfying a fussy cat can frustrate cat owners who are seeking nutrition that is balanced, whilst trying to appease the choosy palate of their cat. At Cat Food Advisor we delve into the frequently asked question, ‘Is Dry Cat Food Bad for Cats?’ Read ‘Is Dry Food Bad for Cats’ article HERE


Dry vs Wet Cat Food Pros and Cons

dry vs wet cat food pros and consNew cat owners sometimes become overwhelmed with the responsibility of providing for their essential needs of food, shelter, water, and safety. The Cat Food Advisor team are here to guide our viewers. Let us start by looking at what to feed your cat? In this article we will discuss dry vs wet cat food pros and cons. Article HERE.

Also take a look at:

Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for Dry Cat Food

Ultimate Buyers Guide for Canned Wet Cat Food